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MedDream DICOM viewer

About DICOM Library online viewer

DICOM Library offers to view uploaded DICOM file(-s) in the browser with web based HTML5 DICOM Viewer - MedDream. M MedDream is a web based DICOM Viewer for PACS server that is aimed at making diagnosis, viewing, archiving and transmitting the medical images.

MedDream DICOM Viewer supports IHE (XDS-I.B) profile, is CE Class IIb certified and FDA cleared for diagnostic use including mammographic images as a Class 2 medical device.

Web based DICOM viewer - MedDream

MedDream DICOM Viewer has a rich radiology tool set, which includes regular tools such as: windowing, zoom, pan, rotate, magnifier. The MedDream DICOM Viewer advanced features and radiology measurements are:

  • Line. Draw and measure the length of a line;
  • Angle. Draw and measure an angle;
  • Cobb angle. Draw and measure Cobb angle;
  • Polyline. Draw and measure the length of a polyline;
  • Area. Mark area of interest with a polyline and measure its area;
  • Ellipse. Draw and measure the Ellipse, which calculates standard deviation and mean values in Hounsfield units also;
  • Rectangle. Measure a rectangle area, min, max, mean, and standard deviation values;
  • Volume. Measure a volume on a 2D image. The 2D area that way is spun over a selected axis to form a 3D shape and a volume of such shape is measured;
  • ROI. Mark and store ROI for study instance;
  • Closed Polygon. The ROI with curved lines;
  • Flexpoly. Mark flexible region of the image for which the area is calculated;
  • Pencil. Mark the area of the image with a free drawing;
  • Arrow. Mark the area of interest on image, video or multi-frame;
  • Text. Annotations. Possibility to save and display annotations and to view, write, edit or delete it’s text;Calibration line. Change the scale of measurement;
  • Continuous measurement. Possibility to activate the tool in order to repeat measurements several times.
  • Repulsor. The tool to adjust Closed Polygon;
  • Intensity. Measure Hounsfield units at a specific point of a CT study;
  • Show angles. Show all angles between intersecting lines;
  • Ruler. Show the rulers at the bottom and on the left side of the viewport;
  • Calibration line. Change the scale of measurement.
Other advanced DICOM viewer features such as:
  • Hanging Protocols. Describe how to lay out a set of images for faster diagnosis;
  • Segmentation tools. For marking the regions of interest in medical images and saving them;
  • Reference lines. Display of reference lines (Scout Lines);
  • Cine Mode. Cine playback of multi - frame sequences with video seeking support;
  • Tracking of image orientation, when manipulating the study with the transformation tools;
  • Simultaneous playback of up - to 16 DICOM instances;
  • Comfortable bar of series preview with thumbnails.
  • Create and store Key Objects and more.
  • Fusion. PET-CT Fusion allows to combine the series of PET and CT types, thus linking the sites of radioactive drug concentrations with the anatomical patient structure;
  • MPR. Multi - planar reconstruction with Orthogonal, Axial, Coronal, Sagittal MPR and features of 2D.
  • Crosshair. Represents the intersecting planes of the selected point on the main study.
For more information and full list of the features please visit MedDream DICOM Viewer website or try free ONLINE DEMO
For downloads please visit MedDream DICOM Viewer Downloads page.

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